Tuesday, August 3, 2010


I hate in less than 20 days, my summer vacation is over. I always have such great expectations for summer, and it goes by WAY too fast. Everyone likes summer, but I Love, Love, LOVE summer, I think more than the average person. I don't know if it's because I am on vacation (except this year), or because we have six months of winter and I absolutely HATE, HATE everything about winter (except Christmas, which has nothing to do with winter, it just happens to be in the winter). Soon I will be getting my new pool, in one to three weeks. However, I am not sure if I should put it up because school starts in three weeks- YUCK. I start a full two and a half weeks earlier than the boys. Next week, I start unpacking my stuff at my new school. All of my belongings are officially (I assume) at Kennedy waiting for me to come in and give them a new home. I am a little excited and a lot nervous. What if the parents are mean to me? What if the kids are mean? What if the principal doesn't like me? What if my co-workers don't like me? I already know one doesn't like me- what if she sullies my name and people don't give me a chance? What if I don't have room for the 29 and a half students I will probably end up with because that school is already busting at the seems? What if a kid freaks out? What will I do with him/her? At my last school I just sent him/her to Special Ed, even if they usually didn't see Ed. Special Ed doesn't have a classroom right by me anymore, Ed's classroom is upstairs and I don't know who Ed sees. Kennedy is literally out in the middle of no where. What if I get lost going to school on my first day? Or worse- If I get lost going home? I'd drive around, and around, and around Fargo all night and be way too tired to teach on day two.
I also don't think I like the idea of Noah going into fifth grade. I don't want him to grow up. Next year he'll be in middle school. I want him to be going into third grade. I also don't like the idea that I am getting older. It's seriously a lot harder to lose weight. The other day I was shopping and saw my reflection as I was walking, I thought "Good Lord that woman looks tired! And fat!And I have that shirt she's wearing. Oh..." I have these horrible, puffy bags under my eyes. It doesn't matter how much I sleep. I read on-line you should drink more water. I drink about 7-9 glasses a day. They also said to make yourself some tea and use the tea bags on your eyes. Really? How could you not get tea in your eyes? I just got a new pair of eyes, I think if I wreck these, I'm out of luck- they'll never give me another pair. The website also said to put cucumbers on my eyes, and take an hour nap. First of all, I can't sleep on my back, secondly- who wants to keep cucumbers on their eyes for an HOUR? It also said Preparation H for hemorrhoids works. Today I bought some, rubbed it under my eyes, and it. does. not. work. I accidentally forgot I had it on and rubbed my eye, so now I have hemorrhoid gel in my eye. I guess the puffy eyes match my puffiness everywhere else. Maybe the eye puffiness can work in my favor. The mean parents might think, "Oh I won't harass her... she looks so tired, and puffy..."


jill said...

oh my gosh you're such a dork. thanks for making me look weird while i laugh out loud at my desk reading this.

Sara said...

Well then I guess YOUR the dork! :)

Julie said...

You totally have the in's with the ED teacher. In fact she can be in your room in less than a minute. Just get a broom and pound on the ceiling. I AM excited for you to be at Kennedy. We'll have to bring back HH!! :-)