Thursday, February 4, 2010


I am rather proud of myself because I have the kid's morning routine down to a science. They can sleep in until 7:20 and we're still out the door by 7:45. I get their backpacks, snacks, boots, snow pants, everything else ready the night before. All they have to do is take a quick shower (usually together to save time) and throw on their clothes. They eat breakfast at school. However, Ethan has gotten too tall for size 7 jeans. At Christmas time I bought him all new pants in size 8. He keeps putting them in Noah's drawers because he thinks they are too "fat" and too long. I had to buy the 8 slims because he is so scrawny, and I STILL have to cinch in the elastic strip on the jeans or tie on the running pants. The past two mornings I've found him sitting on his floor wearing a shirt, socks and underwear sobbing because "he doesn't have any pants." I tell him the 8s are his pants and the 7s were too short. He continues to cry saying, "But I'm a 7, not a 8. I wear 7." I had a flashback when I did and said the exact same thing on a dressing room floor. He refuses to wear the 8s because they are too big around the waist and I have to roll them up. I refuse to let him wear the 7s because it looks like he's waiting for a flood. Yesterday I ended up bribing him with promises of shopping to find long enough 7s. Today I ended up changing MY pants to show him even cool people (like his mom) can wear pants rolled up and not look like a dork. I am fresh out of ideas for tomorrow. If only he were a girl, then he could hide his short pants with hooker boots!

1 comment:

Debbie said...

Find him some pink crocks. No one will notice his short pants!