Sunday, November 7, 2010

How Did You Spend Your Extra Hour?

Late last night daylight saving time started. We "fall" back an hour on our clock. I was so excited all week because this meant I'd get an extra hour for the weekend. The options on how to spend it were limitless! I decided I was going to spend that hour doing things I WANTED to do, not HAD to do- something that is a huge gift for me. I was not going to clean, do laundry, drive children anywhere, cook, or did I mention cleaning?? I thought about sleeping, but I didn't want to waste my hour and it seems I hate getting up at 6:00 in the morning on the week days, but can't stay in bed past 6:10 on weekends. This is how I spent it...
-30 seconds trying to figure out what the flashing red light is across the golf course- it's a cell phone tower.
-A minute and a half going pee.
-8 minutes looking up, reading the direction, and contemplating performing mouth to snout resuscitation on Abby due to her wheezing and running to me for help.
-10 minutes petting and talking to Abby telling her she's a princess and princesses don't rub their butt across the carpet.
- 17 minutes teaching Ethan how to play Black Jack. He won.
- 13 minutes reading the back covers of my book collection to determine which book I should read next.
- 45 seconds realizing conferences start next week, and I'm NOT SICK! YAY- but I do still have my awful headaches.
- 8 minutes trimming the split ends off my hair, and trying to decide if it looks uneven.
- 1 minute caring that my hair looks uneven in the back.
And then my hour was up and I cleaned the bathroom. Seriously. I know I don't nasty up the bathroom in a matter of four days. I am quite sure it's the BOYS- mostly the grown-up one that gets it so gross. I think maybe HE should use the downstairs bathroom. Now I know why growing up my mom and dad had her bathroom and his bathroom. -Or the girls and boys as I called it. I hope you spent your extra hour doing what you want.


Debbie said...

FIY: Abby's butt situation may be worms. Might want to check.

ssne said...

fYi- Abby is a princess and princesses don't have worms- sometimes their jealous step aunts say they do...