Friday, November 12, 2010

I Am, I Think, I Know

I am: wishing it were summertime.
I think: I should start doing my weekend cleaning.
I know: that I want to change lots of things about myself.
I want: to go on vacation!
I have: no tatoos or body piercings
I dislike: when people use religion as an excuse to be super judgemental.
I miss: my boys being babies
I fear: mascots and clowns. And mimes. And my children being seriously hurt or sick.
I feel: oversensitive at times
I hear: not so well on my left side
I smell: good?
I crave: happiness
I search: through my closet and drawers all the time. I can’t keep track of my stuff.
I wonder: what work out routine I could do that would stick
I regret: making rash decisions
I love: sleep.
I care: too much for my own good.
I am always: reading
I worry: about everything
I remember: nothing. I have to write stuff down
I have: not enough time
I dance: with my kids or when I get ready in the morning
I sing: all the time…even for my students. They pretend to like it.
I don’t always: have patience although I try to.
I argue: very rarely, only if provoked, or if it's a cause I feel strongly about.
I write: texts and emails a lot
I lose: track of time on facebook
I wish: That I had super powers.
I listen: to my children. And Pandora! I love pandora
I don't understand: cruelty
I can usually be found: at home, work, or at Target.
I am scared: Of snakes
I need: to change a lot of things
I forget: where my pop is all of the time
I am happy: that I have a four day weekend!

1 comment:

Debbie said...

You DO have superpowers! You are a mom to two boys, three dogs and teacher. You are a great sister and a wonderful friend!